Friday, May 14, 2010

How can you make your own nail polish out of home ingredients?

Just things you'd find in your kitchen or medicine cabinet? Plus using other nail polishes or foods like blueberrys for blue or bananas for yellow, etc. for color? Links for website instructions please! KTHXBYE.How can you make your own nail polish out of home ingredients? can you make your own nail polish out of home ingredients?
yes you can i made red nail polish but putting half a bottle of perfume then making the ketchup watery then freezing for 3 minuets then leave it open and mix it really fast i mean i could made blue but just goes to show and good look now i have a lifetime suply of it but just incase it osent work you could buy available supply's and see what you can do.鈥?/a>

i hope it helps

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