Saturday, January 23, 2010

Where can I buy nail polish that changes color with the temperature?

When I was like in kindergarten or 1st grade I got nail polish that changed blue when it was warmer and dark purple when it was coolor (or visa versa, i 4get).

I live on the east coast of the United States so only suggest stores that you know or think r here. Thank you!Where can I buy nail polish that changes color with the temperature?…

hope this answer??Where can I buy nail polish that changes color with the temperature?
The link i'm posting is for a place that sells MOOD POLISH, i don't if this is exactly what you want but theres lots of different coloured polishes that change colour with heat.

I don't live in the U.S so i don't know of any shops there but this place sells online.

Hope i've helped :) x
You can buy it online at these places below. Other than that...I would try calling around to beauty supply places. Or call a local nail salon and ask them if they have it. You can buy bottles of polish from the salons most of the time.……
okay i have some and it is so cool my family has houses and villias all over the world and we bought some South Carolina in the little store called Del Sol its in Charleston and it changes in the sun light!!!!!!!!

hope i helped!!!!!!!
Well that would be very hard to find!

and very expensive too.

if i were you, i would go to an actual salon or a beauty boutique that specializes those things.

good luck
Since you were so young. they might not mak ei tany more. If they do it was prolly bon bons, or something cheap your mom gave you to play with. Plus are you sure you had that. I have never heard of it!
Look for anyhair salon they probably have something like it;;
Go to any proffesional beauty supply. They specialize in that stuff.
go to a nail salon and find out the brand then google it and i got my nails done the same way in first grade lol
Claires mabye?
  • mario badescu
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