Thursday, January 21, 2010

How to get nail polish out of clothes?

My daughter got nail polish on her pink denim overalls. I caught it right away and started working on the stain immediately. Here's what I have tried so far that DID NOT WORK!

non-acetone polish remover

acetone polish remover



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OxyClean (made a paste and let it sit)

Each of these tries involved scrubbing with a toothbrush. Is there anything else I can try?How to get nail polish out of clothes?
Here's what you so. Lay the nail polish side of the fabric on a 100% cotton washcloth, then pour acetone nail polish remover on the other side of the fabric, the washcloth will absorb the nail polish off of the fabric. You may have to this several times. Keep repositioning the washcloth to a clean area each time. You want to keep wicking away the nail polish off of the fabric and onto the washcloth. Never rub on the nail polish side, as you're only smearing the nail polish into the fabric. This never works.

You can also do this to get ink out of non-synthetic fabrics. But, use non-acetone polish for that, if the fabric isn't 100% cotton.

Please let me know if this worked better for you. OKHow to get nail polish out of clothes?
worked great for me too!

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